Omani student invents new type of bioplastic using natural elements

Good News Notes: “Neeam al Harrasi, a student from the wilayat of Rustaq in the Governorate of South Batinah, has created a new type of bioplastic using natural materials available in the sultanate, such as rice water and fish scales, to make the mass production of bioplastics more affordable. The school project in which Do’aa…

SC university opens new center to serve veterans

Good News Notes: “An old dorm room now has a new purpose: serving veterans at Southern Wesleyan University. “(It says) ‘hey, you are a veteran and here you are wanted’ at the school — not just an outcast or feel like an outcast because that’s how I felt a little bit when I first got…

Coventry student designs a filter to reuse washing machine water

Good News Notes: “Coventry University student Joe Baker designed a system which removes contaminants like dirt and microplastics, allowing the water to be used for things like cooking. He has won an award in DesignSpark’s People Planet Product competition, and a £1,000 grant for its development. Mr Baker now hopes to develop a prototype of…

Retired food director completes sugary ride for non-profit

Good News Notes: “Most people would celebrate their retirement after 40 years of service by maybe playing a round of golf or packing for a long cruise, but Miguel Villarreal kicked his off by riding to the top of Mt. Diablo with 10 pounds of sugar strapped to his bike. It was all for a…

Teacher cares for student’s newborn brother, mom has coronavirus

Good News Notes: “An elementary school teacher in Connecticut ​says she is taking care of a newborn baby boy after getting a phone call from a student’s mother who was eight months pregnant, when she was hospitalized suddenly with Covid-19 symptoms. Baby Neysel turned 1-month-old over the weekend, but his parents, Zully and Marvin, have…

Students at O’Quinn School gather toys for Kids Comfort Kits

Good News Notes: “Earlier this month, Coastal Crisis Chaplaincy, Mount Pleasant Police Department and the O’Quinn School came together to gather stuffed animals that had been collected by the students of the school. The animals will be used in Coastal Crisis Chaplaincy’s Kids Comfort Kits. Kids Comfort Kits are bags that are given to first…