Bonaire family starts nonprofit to help preemie babies in need

Good News Notes: “Aubrey weighed only 3 and a half pounds, and spent 21 days in the  NICU. “She didn’t have everything that she needed and we weren’t necessarily able to give those things because I was here in the hospital sick myself and my husband had to be here to support me to help…

Asheville nonprofit distributes diapers to families in need

Good News Notes: “Like many other products, diapers are getting more expensive. That’s why local nonprofit organization BeLoved Asheville is distributing 30,000 diapers to families in need — no questions asked. “Right here, we control everything and we decide, this is free and this is, because we want to offer the resource to the community,” said Ponkho…

Tips to Use Less Plastic

Good News Notes: “Check out these easy ways you can start reducing your waste in your every day life!  Did you know that of the 30 million tons of plastic waste generated in the US in 2009, only 7 percent was recovered for recycling? Here are 17 ways to reduce your plastic waste:  Stop using…