Planting crops with trees drives ‘magical’ reforestation in Costa Rica

 Good News Notes: “Aldo Sánchez surveys a field of lofty banana trees, with cacao plants bursting with fruit nestled beneath. “Two and a half years ago, this was pure pasture,” he says. Indeed, his neighbour’s field is just grass. Four decades ago, a swath of land including his farm in Jabillos in central Costa Rica…

Technology Being Used to Combat Freshwater Shortages, Deforestation

Good News Notes: “As it stands globally freshwater is a scarcity and it’s only expected to get worse as the population grows. One of the biggest users of freshwater are larger thermoelectric power plants, making up 39% of the freshwater withdrawn in the U.S. alone, said Karim Khalil, co-founder, and CTO of Infinite Cooling during…

New monkey discovered on “island” amid deforestation in Brazil

 Good News Notes: “DNA analysis has revealed a “new” species of monkey that only survives today because its habitat is difficult to access and therefore hasn’t been converted for large-scale agriculture, reports  New Scientist. Writing in Primate Conservation, a team of scientists analyzed the traits of a group of titi monkeys rediscovered in 2011 in the…

Climate change: My Roots in Africa startup is planting trees with blockhain

Good News Notes: “Every year, about 15 billion trees are cut down globally, and across Africa, deforestation rates have surpassed the global annual average of 0.8 percent. Forests in West and East Africa, where conservation efforts are not matching deforestation activities, have undergone almost complete decline between the 1900s and 2017, according to a comparison…

Fighting Deforestation