Pasco outreach gets major donation of shoes from 8-year-old girl

Good News Notes: “Abby Mendelsohn has shoes “for every occasion.” She enjoys sneakers and even trying on her sister’s high heels. But, the 8-year-old’s favorite pairs are the ones she recently bought for others. “It makes me feel like I’m magical because I’m helping someone else,” she said. The child heard about the need for…

Albany Police therapy dog saves teen girl in crisis

Good News Notes: “Charlie, the Goldendoodle puppy, has come a long way in his three months on the Albany Police force. Though he’s still in training to be a therapy dog, his friendly and snuggly attitude was the perfect solution Tuesday afternoon. Officers got the call around 2:15 p.m. that a 14-year-old girl was on…

Asheville nonprofit distributes diapers to families in need

Good News Notes: “Like many other products, diapers are getting more expensive. That’s why local nonprofit organization BeLoved Asheville is distributing 30,000 diapers to families in need — no questions asked. “Right here, we control everything and we decide, this is free and this is, because we want to offer the resource to the community,” said Ponkho…

WOMAN volunteers bringing garden to Shelterhouse

Good News Notes: “Over the past year, Women of Michigan Action Network (WOMAN) volunteers have been busy with funding, planting, and maintaining a new perennial garden at Shelterhouse. Alison Baldree, director of fund development at Shelterhouse, has praise for the new garden: “When survivors come in for counseling sessions, bring their children in for therapy,…

Experts Optimistic Coral Reefs Will Survive

Good News Notes: ‘“Coral reefs are amazing and beautiful, and we must conserve them,” Sam Purkis, chair of the department of marine geosciences at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, told VOA. Although coral reefs only cover 0.1% of the ocean floor, they are a lifeline for the planet. With…

Louisiana’s only glass recycling facility wants its ‘sand’ to help the coast. This $700K grant will help. | Environment |

Good News Notes: “When Tulane University alumni Franziska Trautmann and Max Steitz opened Louisiana’s only glass recycling facility, they dreamed of using the crushed sand to help restore the state’s eroding coastline. But they hit a few snags.  A lack of funding and need for regulatory approval of their “glass sand” prevented the pair from selling the recycled…

Pontchartrain Park begins reforesting project

Good News Notes: “On Saturday, October 16, Sustaining Our Urban Landscape (SOUL), a local nonprofit organization will launch its Reforesting Pontchartrain Park Project which involves planting a tree in front of every home in the community. The event will kick off with brief announcements by the Pontchartrain Park Neighborhood Association, SOUL, and the New Orleans…