Weatherford Couple’s Charity Donates RVs to Homeless Veterans

Good News Notes: “For most people, an RV symbolizes a road trip or a vacation. For veterans who have received RVs from Operation Texas Strong 2021, those RVs are home. “We are tired of seeing homeless veterans on the street,” Bobby Crutsinger said. Crutsinger and his wife, Peggy, started Operation Texas Strong 2021 last year to help…

Bringing Solar To Coal Country In Kentucky

Good News Notes: “Martin County, Kentucky, is coal country. That means its economy is in the toilet. Where once there were thousands of coal miners in the county, today there are less than two dozen. Even when coal mining was big business in Kentucky, Martin County was far from prosperous. It is where Lyndon Johnson…

Giving Back for Christmas: DC Volunteers Help People in Need

Good News Notes: “The square was ground zero for caring and outreach to people experiencing homelessness, carrying on a Christmas tradition despite the challenges of the pandemic.  Churches, missions and individuals converged on the park to help others.  “We do it because it’s part of the season for us. It’s very important to share God’s…

A Christmas miracle: community helps find lost dog

Good News Notes: “A Christmas miracle right in our backyard. For more than two months the Georgetown community and beyond set out on a search to find a family’s lost dog. The owners say they had one wish this Christmas to have their dog back home safe. For more than 2 months, it was the…

A local animal rescue receives the gift of a $3 million donation

Good News Notes: “A local animal rescue received the gift of a large and generous donation on Monday. God’s Dogs Rescue has received a three-million-dollar check from the Kym’s Angel’s foundation. Philanthropists Kym Rapier Verette and Glenn Verette were on hand for the presentation. The rescue says they were expecting to receive two-million-dollars and were blessed…