Good News Notes: “Dr. Habteab Feseha, an Eritrean-American physician based in Arizona, said he’d never dreamed that he’d be organizing aid to a conflict zone. For years, he’d watched fellow Eritreans escaping military service, economic hardship, or persecution settle in other countries, including Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen. (Feseha’s organization, the Eri Yiakl Foundation,…
Tag: civil war
Quadriplegic artist uses her mouth to create intricate masterpieces
Good News Notes: “This Georgia artist makes masterpieces in the most creative of ways. Jessica Jewett was born with a rare birth defect that left her quadriplegic, but the 38-year-old didn’t let that stop her from becoming an artist. Using her mouth, Jewett creates intricate paintings, portraits and fine art. Her latest project memorializing Civil…
Starbucks Manager Inspires Kindness After Tragedy Strikes Her Community – NBC Los Angeles
Good News Notes: “It was a somber moment seared in Judy Alvarenga’s mind when she heard that four Rancho Cucamonga students died by suicide in a two week period during the fall 2018 school year. ‘When I heard the news for the first time I experienced a bunch of different phases of emotions like shock,…