Brooklyn native turns single-use plastic bags into reusable totes

Good News Notes: “Meet Alex Dabagh, the founder of aNYbag, the company turning New York City’s plastic trash into luxury totes. Plastic has been a blessing and burden for humankind. The artificial material can create inexpensive and useful goods, but most plastics outlive humans. It takes plastic bags anywhere from 500 to 1,000 years to decompose in landfills. Many…

Valley car dealership donates blankets to local nonprofit

Good News Notes: “Thanks to a Valley car dealership, many people are going to be more prepared for cold nights. CMA Valley Subaru donated 80 blankets to Valley Mission Wednesday, Dec. 15. Valley Mission Executive Director Susan Richardson said winter is very busy for them. “We really need help keeping our folks warm. We have…

Students Help Students In Fight Against Food Insecurity

Good News Notes: “A group of UConn student organizations are helping the fight against food insecurity among their peers with the formation of “Husky Market.” Husky Market provides grocery store gift cards to UConn students who are experiencing food insecurity. The project is led by the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and UConn Praxis, a student-led group…

Nonprofit begins construction on Tiny Homes for Almeda survivors

Good News Notes; “After losing her home to a wildfire in 2008, a California resident along with volunteers are now helping Almeda survivors by building them tiny homes. Alyssa Nolan, the founder and director of the Tiny Pine Foundation and a group of volunteers have begun constructing the first two tiny homes which will be donated to…

‘Blessed to be a blessing’

Good News Notes: “On Tuesday, many ‘Feed Fayette’ volunteers worked throughout the day to hand out and personally deliver food boxes to seniors, the homebound, and veterans. ‘Feed Fayette’ is provided by a relief program entitled ‘Farmers To Families.’ The Farmers to Families Food Box program is part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP),…

Aberdeen Police have ‘Blessing Box’ for people in need

Good News Notes: “People who need food or household supplies, or even children visiting the library or playing in the park who need a snack or drink, can drop by the Aberdeen Police Department station lobby and pick up the necessary items from the department’s new “Blessing Box.” The box, which made its debut Thursday,…