SC Johnson Partners with Brewers and Bucks to Upcycle Arena Cups

Good News Notes: “Racine, WI­–based SC Johnson, the household products company, is taking sustainability in a new direction — upcycling polyethylene terephthalate (PET) cups from professional sports events into bottles for Scrubbing Bubbles cleaner. The company has partnered with Milwaukee’s baseball and basketball teams, the Brewers and the Bucks, to implement the program. In partnership with…

Petting therapy dogs enhances thinking skills of stressed college students

Good News Notes: “Programs exclusively focused on petting therapy dogs improved stressed-out students’ thinking and planning skills more effectively than programs that included traditional stress-management information, according to new Washington State University research. The study was published today in the journal AERA Open, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Educational Research Association. The paper demonstrated that…

How John Deere is Fighting Hunger in Nigeria

Good News Notes: “John Deere is being recognized for the success of its farming education program in Nigeria. Last year, Deere partnered with a non-profit and local farmers on the Rayuwa project, which aims to teach Nigerian farmers better agricultural techniques. Now, Fast Company business magazine has named Deere a winner of its 2021 award…

What to Eat to Lower Your Blood Pressure, From a Woman Who Did It

Good News Notes: “Sherra Aguirre has a family history of high blood pressure that is so dramatic, it has cut short the lives of two cousins and left her parents tied to daily medication. She saw these circumstances as cautionary tales and decided to do everything she could to offset a family history that illustrated what…

New surplus store in Johnson supports nonprofit that helps people in recovery

Good News Notes: “There’s a new store in Johnson that sells just about everything. From aspirin to Army boots and clothes to wheelchairs, customers can find it at JP’s Promising Goods. “We’ve got everything in there,” said store co-owner Greg Tatro. “People keep coming in and saying, ‘You really do have everything.’” Everything in the surplus…