Nonprofit creating more sustainable Sioux Falls through composting

Good News Notes: “For those interested in composting food in Sioux Falls, there hasn’t been an opportunity to do so outside of their home. That is, until SoDak Compost came along. When Deirdre Appel moved to Sioux Falls last summer, she immediately began looking for ways to compost her food scraps while living in an apartment complex…

Believe or not, this new vegan meat is made from air

Good News Notes: “Air Protein is an entirely unique approach to making meat substitutes. It literally turns air into protein, without methane gas release and other harmful effects from agriculture. Meat substitutes offer a plethora of benefits to the environmentas a food source without deforestation, factory farming or carbon emissions. According to their website, Air Protein is…

New restrictions could see L.A. go plastic-free

Good News Notes: “A new “zero waste” policy in Los Angeles could see the city go plastic-free in the near future. L.A. city officials say it’s time to lead by example and continue phasing out plastic items and products that are wasteful and detrimental to the environment. This includes utensils, polystyrene or styrofoam food containers,…

Virgin is helping Grove Collaborative go plastic-free by 2025

Good News Notes: “Sir Richard Branson opened his first record shop in London in 1971. Reminiscing at Fast Company‘s Most Innovative Companies Summit, he described it as a hippie’s dream: “Cushions on the floor, headphones, a joint or two in most people’s hands,” he said. “It was those days when you could pick up a Dark Side…

Construction of the world’s largest offshore wind farm has begun

Good News Notes: “Offshore construction work has officially started for the UK’s Dogger Bank, which will be the world’s largest offshore wind farm, with the installation of the first length of HVDC export cable off the Yorkshire coast. Dogger Bank will also be the first HVDC-connected wind farm in the UK. World’s largest offshore wind farm construction…

These 19 Companies Are Ditching Plastic Packaging – Food Tank

Good News Notes: “The world produces around 300 million tons of plastic waste every year, according to the U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP). This plastic waste is detrimental to human and planetary health, releasing greenhouse gases, polluting soil and waters, and threatening marine wildlife. Plastic waste is now so abundant, the U.N. has declared it a planetary crisis. Food and…

California runs on 100% clean energy for the first time, with solar dominating

Good News Notes: “For the first time ever, California, the world’s fifth-largest economy, was powered by 100% clean energy on Saturday, April 30. That milestone was driven largely by solar power. California’s 100% clean energy milestone Energy demand statewide reached 18,672 megawatts at 2:45 pm, with 37,172 MW available. (Excess is exported to neighboring states.) 101% of…

Vermont brewery installs the largest solar canopy in the state

Good News Notes: “Lawson’s Finest Liquids announced the completion of what it says is the largest solar canopy in the state of Vermont. The Waitsfield Brewery and Taproom was generating about 10% of the electricity to run its operation, but with the addition of 215 kW from 495 solar modules, it expects that 60% of…

How Israel used innovation to beat its water crisis

Good News Notes: “How did Israel, a country that is more than half desert, frequently hit with drought, and historically cursed by chronic water shortages, become a nation that now produces 20 percent more water than it needs? Water demand from Israel’s rapidly growing population outpaced the supply and natural replenishment of potable water so…