Ukrainians try to rescue exotic animals from abandoned zoo

Good News Notes:

A group of Ukrainian volunteers is attempting to rescue animals from a private zoo near the capital that was abandoned after the Russian army bombed and occupied the area.

Vitaly Mukhanov told ABC News that he had volunteered to help bring supplies to Ukrainian soldiers when he came across the Yasnohorodka family ecopark, about 30 miles outside Kyiv….

Videos and images Mukhanov took of the scene and posted on Facebook on Monday quickly went viral and he said he was subsequently contacted by the zoo’s owner, who asked for his assistance.

In one of the videos, Mukhanov comes across a wounded ostrich. The bird appeared to be taking its last breaths as he gently stroked its head.

“You can see from the images that the animals were in a very bad way,” Mukhanov said….”

View the whole story here:

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