Environmental nonprofit acquires 1,000-acre Santa Barbara ranch for regenerative agriculture center

Good News Notes: “Environmental nonprofit White Buffalo Land Trust acquired a 1,000-acre ranch in Santa Barbara that it will use to create a research and education center focused on regenerative agriculture. Regenerative agriculture focuses on improving, rather than simply sustaining, agricultural land. That in turn regenerates topsoil, captures carbon, increases biodiversity, and improves water cycles,…

Nile fishermen protect stocks by pulling plastic from river

Good News Notes: “For 17 years, Mohamed Nasar has supported his family of five by fishing in the Nile River near the banks of the tiny island of Al-Qursaya close to central Cairo. But the 58-year-old says fishermen like himself catch fewer fish every year as the Nile has become clogged with plastic bottles, bags…

Once Nearly Extinct, The Florida Panther Is Making A Comeback

Good News Notes: “Brian Kelly, a panther biologist for the state of Florida, opens a creaking gate near Fisheating Creek, a narrow ribbon of preserved land just west of Lake Okeechobee. The path leads from trucks rumbling by on U.S. Highway 27 to a world of towering oaks, cypress heads and a tannic-stained creek that…