Drive challenge grows into fundraiser to benefit dog charity

Good News Notes:

Winter is always testing us here in the Red River Valley. If it isn’t snow, its cold or wind and maybe, all three together. A local man has decided that this winter’s challenges were enough to stop him. Nick Adamski drives a Jeep Gladiator. The vehicle allows you to remove the doors and top. Back in April, it was fun for Nick to cruise around. Nick says his coworkers challenged him to try and keep going through Thanksgiving. So he did it. When Turkey Day came and went, he was urged to make it until next April. Nick says ‘I get a lot of people staring at me, shaking their head or shivering. Alot of people like to grab their cell phones. I’m on Instagram a lot.’

Adam Torbert is a co-worker of Nick. He says, ‘I told him, if he didn’t want to do this, I wouldn’t blame him or if he wanted to take a break.’ Nick would have nothing of it and was going to continue on. That’s when he and Adam decided to try and make a difference. They decided to try and get people to pledge money, if Nick could drive without doors and a top through winter to April. They set up a go fund me page with the money going to For the Love of Dogs.”

View the whole story here:

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