Baptist, Sacred Heart receive $1 million in donations from Quint, Rishy Studer

Good News Notes:

“Ascension Sacred Heart and Baptist Healthcare got a boost of support with a $1 million donation from philanthropists Quint and Rishy Studer.

The Studers donated $500,000 to each hospital, with the donation to Sacred Heart earmarked for the Studer Family Children’s Hospital, officials announced Wednesday. The inspiration for the donation came after the couple toured the children’s hospital’s new operating room facility, which opened earlier this week.

‘Our kids are no longer little, but we do have grandchildren that you just wonder, if they were here, they would have a superior place to be taken care of. That’s so important in a community this size, too. It really is,’ Rishy Studer said.

Rishy Studer said her family had an experience where they didn’t have quick access to a children’s hospital. While on vacation, their then 6-year-old son was in a severe accident and had to be transported by ambulance to the closest children’s hospital 70 miles away.”

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