“Carrie Bernans and Candace Renee Rice love giving back. Each year for the last three years they’ve come back home to the 901 to help kids who might otherwise not have a Christmas season.
“One little boy was getting Pampers for his little brother, things like that. That’s stuff, it will bring you to tears, said reality star Candace Renee Rice. “It just reminds you of how hard it is for some people and I just, you’ve just gotta take your hats off to these kids. They are incredible.”
Rice stars in MTV’s hit show ‘Floribama Shore’ while working on her own line of natural beauty products. Her best friend Bernans was in ‘Black Panther’ and is working on other films and projects. Both are busy but never too busy to remember where they came from.”
View the whole story here: https://www.fox13memphis.com/news/local/stars-team-up-give-back-memphis-families-holidays/ZZDU4DWZSNGUBBIS4VQS3WUA4A/