“Just in time for the holidays, a group of women went around Warrick County to spread a little holiday cheer.
‘I think this is sort of a Jingle Belle philosophy too is, even if you don’t need to be blessed, you need to be blessed,’ Shawn Sterne, a member of the Jingle Belles said.
Last Saturday, the group of 10 women put together more than $1,000 of their own money and passed it along to strangers.
‘The majority of the places that we hit were small local businesses to bless random strangers, unsuspecting individuals with our random acts of kindness,’ Stacey Beard, another member of the Jingle Belles said.
From stopping at small businesses throughout Warrick County to stopping cars in the Chick-fil-A drive-thru, the Jingle Belles say the acts were truly random.
‘It was just randomly, we would say, “Okay, the next person who is walking a dog, that is who we are going to choose,”‘ Kathy Market, a member of the Jingle Belles said
‘I mean I cried when I got home, because I just couldn’t believe the generosity of these kind women,’ Katie Snyder said.”
View the whole story here: https://www.14news.com/2020/12/09/jingle-belles-bring-random-acts-kindness-strangers/