‘Miracle’ twins home from the hospital after months in NICU

Good News Notes: 

After a roller coaster pregnancy and scary complications, ‘miracle’ babies Vince and Pauly Salmonese are finally home with their parents, Dana and Joe.

Just 13 weeks into her pregnancy, Dana Salmonese had a sonogram that revealed a rare and dangerous condition called twin to twin transfusion syndrome. The abnormality means that twins share a single placenta and one baby receives more blood flow than the other. She underwent a surgery that allowed the twins to be treated in the womb, but after being sent home on bedrest, her water broke at just 20 weeks.

‘I thought I was giving birth to two babies that were not going to be able to get help and would have to die in my arms,’ Salmonese said. ‘And I was scared. It was the scariest moment, I think, of my life.’

The coronavirus pandemic only complicated things: This all happened in Huntington, New York, in March 2020, when coronavirus was ravaging the tri-state area, so it was deemed too risky for her to stay in a hospital. Salmonese’s husband, a firefighter, came into contact with COVID-19 patients in the course of his work and had to take extra precautions. Since Salmonese was on bedrest, her husband also had to manage childcare for their toddler, Gianna.

Salmonese said one of the most important things during this time was the support her friends and family gave her when she needed it most.”

View the whole story here: https://www.today.com/parents/miracle-twins-home-hospital-after-months-nicu-t193508


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