“The Venice Film Festival announced the lineup on Tuesday for its 77th edition, setting out precautions including temperature checks and new outdoor screening sites for what will be one of the first large international festivals held since the coronavirus pandemic began.
This year’s festival will run from Sept. 2 to Sept 12, with a reduced schedule. Sixty films will be screened in the official selection, as opposed to last year’s 80.
“The show must go on and the world must go on,” said Roberto Cicutto, the president of La Biennale di Venezia, which runs the festival, in a phone interview, adding it was important “to watch and to discuss movies together, to live this art the way we used to live it.”
Films in contention for the festival’s top prize, the Golden Lion, include Chloé Zhao’s “Nomadland,” produced by and starring Frances McDormand as a woman living as a nomad after the recent recession; Mona Fastvold’s “The World to Come,” starring Vanessa Kirby and Casey Affleck, which explores the love between two farmers’ wives in 19th-century America; and “Pieces of a Woman,” a family drama directed by Kornel Mundruczo and starring Shia LaBeouf.”
View the whole story here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/28/movies/venice-film-festival-2020-coronavirus.html