“Concerned by student mental health issues exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, Salt Lake City School District is partnering with a Utah support group to provide free telehealth services to students.
‘We know that right now many of our students are dealing with depression, anxiety, peer struggles and other mental health issues,” said Larry Madden, interim superintendent for Salt Lake City School District. “We know these issues have been exacerbated as families and students have dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic and the statewide school dismissal.’
The 2020 school year was hit hard by the pandemic. In-person classes ended abruptly, activities and social groups were cut short, friends were separated from one another and sports were canceled across the board, spurring a great deal of stress and uncertainty for K-12 students in the state.”
View the whole story here: https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/7/25/21326428/salt-lake-city-school-district-odyssey-house-free-summer-mental-health-services-for-students