Whittier Moves Forward on Homeless Navigation Center

Good News Notes:

“Earlier this year, the City of Whittier announced both a site and a service provider for a new homeless navigation center that will provide 139 beds for people experiencing homelessness as well as access to resources to help them transition to more permanent housing. In the 2020 Los Angeles County homeless count, Whittier counted 232 individuals living on the streets or in cars/RVs.

A navigation center program is designed to support highly vulnerable and long-term homeless residents who are often fearful of accessing traditional shelters and services. Navigation Centers provide room and board while case managers work to connect people to income, public benefits, health services, shelter, and housing. Navigation Centers are different from traditional shelters in that they have few barriers to entry and intensive case management.  Also, unlike traditional shelters, people with partners, pets, and possessions are welcome.”

View the whole story here: https://la.streetsblog.org/2020/07/07/whittier-moves-forward-on-homeless-navigation-center/

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