“There are so many who need to say home these days due to health conditions that increase the risk for coronavirus complications that those who volunteer to help others are doing some heroic things to make a difference, especially for those living with MS.
One of those volunteers also is president of a group called MSMI, the Multiple Sclerosis Motivational Institute. Marvis Green has been living with MS for nearly 20 years. She’s always had a support group and raised money for others through what’s called her L.I.S.T.E.N approach.
It’s Listen, Investigate, Show, Talk about it and Educate yourself. Now, she’s doing even more to help those living with this disease, which impacts the central nervous system.”
View the whole story here: https://local12.com/health/medical-edge-reports/local-woman-finding-heroic-ways-to-help-those-living-with-ms-during-pandemic-cincinnati