“The Tour of Kindness visited Redfield, Doland and Mellette this month. Started by Justine Kougl, of Busby, Montana, the Tour of Kindness was birthed three years ago out of a desire to see a change in environments where teasing and bullying are commonplace.
‘We started it initially because Quinn, my youngest daughter, was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome and we had been asked several times to go and visit with local schools in classrooms that had read the book ‘Wonder’ or were struggling with acceptance of differences and just overall being nice,” said Kougl. “Then, back in 2018, I went to the New Underwood school, where George Seiler, who is now the superintendent at Redfield, was the superintendent at the time. He had asked if I could come. So Quinn and I went and basically did an assembly with the entire school. We didn’t have a routine or a PowerPoint or a curriculum. It was basically open-ended questions. We talked about some of the things that had happened to us since Quinn had been born. What we had learned. Then the news got ahold of it. They came, did some interviews, and it really took off.’”
View the whole story here: https://www.redfieldpress.com/article/tour-of-kindness-visits-spink-county-schools