FPL tries a new place to soak in solar power: Floating panels on a Miami lake

Good News Notes:

“Flying into Miami can be a feast for the eyes. From a window seat, visitors can catch a glimpse of turquoise waters framed by white sandy beaches, swaying palm trees and vibrant green ferns in the Everglades. Now, some may also see 400 solar panels floating on Blue Lagoon right next to the airport — half an acre of panels gleaming in South Florida’s world-famous sunshine.

Florida Power & Light on Tuesday launched a solar array that will be visible to Super Bowl fans flying in and out of the city. Drivers along a stretch of the Dolphin Expressway will also be able to see the installation, which measures about 22,000 square feet and will generate 160 kilowatts of electricity, enough to power more than 20 homes per year.”

View the whole story here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/environment/article239710988.html

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