“In an effort to restore the state’s black-footed ferret population, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) released 14 of the species near Pueblo in November. This latest release is one of several across the state, dating back to 2001.
The ferrets were released on Walker Ranch near Pueblo West. Since 2013, CPW has released a little over 100 black-footed ferrets onto this same property. During the process, the animals are turned loose in a prairie dog colony, which will help them establish their own colony, giving them a better chance of living in the wild.
Unfortunately, while they provide a helpful place for the ferrets to get their start, prairie dogs are also a reason why the species has struggled. Prairie dog colony removal processes, including poisoning, as well as the plague that is often carried by fleas on prairie dogs, hit the ferret population extremely hard. In fact, the species has been thought to be extinct in the United States twice and has been listed as endangered since 1967. Colorado’s last recorded wild ferret sighting, prior to reintroduction, was in 1946. What may have been the last known colony in the entire country was located in 1986 in Wyoming, and it is from its 18 surviving animals (of an original 126), that we have the animals being reintroduced today.”
View the whole story here: https://ourcommunitynow.com/news-local/endangered-black-footed-ferrets-released-near-pueblo