“Going on 10 years, Urban Teachers has used statistical data, cultural common sense and plucked every person in love with teaching they could find to prove a point: When your child is taught by people who look like them, who grew up in much the same way they did, chances are your kids will be that more excited about learning and continuing to further their education.”
“WUSA has learned exclusively that a $25 million grant, roughly the annual budget for their entire 140-person employee workforce, was gifted to Urban Teachers by Ballmer Group — the foundation started by Connie Ballmer and her husband, Steve, the Microsoft billionaire and now the chairman of the Los Angeles Clippers.”
“About 50 of Urban Teachers’ staffers are based in D.C. The grant money, which was awarded in May, will be dispersed in January among the three cities in which the organization operates — Washington, Baltimore and Dallas.”
View the whole story here: https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/dc/urban-teachers-wins-grant/65-bcb5f31f-4671-47d2-ba42-53833609d25f