Utah’s June Sucker Another Endangered Species Act Success, Downlisted From Endangered to Threatened

 Good News Notes:

“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed to downlist the June sucker fish from endangered to threatened based on successful recovery efforts.”

“Efforts to recover the June sucker have not just improved numbers of this unique fish but have partially restored the lake and the Provo River.”

“The June sucker was once incredibly abundant and harvested by the tons to be used as fertilizer. By the time it was listed in 1986, the June sucker had declined to fewer than 1,000 individuals with only 350 spawners counted in 1999. Today there are an estimated 3,500 June suckers in Utah Lake due to captive rearing and stocking and habitat improvements, including guaranteed water rights.”

View the whole story here: https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/utah-june-sucker-another-endangered-species-act-success-downlisted-from-endangered-to-threatened-2019-11-25/

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