“Westlake High School students may have done the “the two-step, then cowboy boogie” when Blanco Brown, the “trailer trap” singer of the popular “Git Up” song visited them Thursday.”
“Brown, who is a graduate of the Fulton County school, performed during a school assembly of 700 students, according to a news release. He is known for mixing country and hip-hop musical styles.”
“Brown’s performance came before StubHub, an online ticket exchange company owned by eBay, gave students 64 new instruments, guitar cases and keyboard stands worth $84,000, according to a news release.”
View the whole story here: https://www.ajc.com/news/git-singer-blanco-brown-visits-fulton-school-stubhub-donates-84k-music-gear/COn4NARaFqQ7zEDGM2RjkJ/amp.html