“On Wednesday, people around the world were doing good deeds for strangers in an effort to spread positivity for World Kindness Day. Tallahassee was no exception.”
“It’s really great to be able to see just a small token of kindness break someone down,” said Stephanie Shumate. Shumate is the founder of an organization called Tally R.A.K., which stands for Tallahassee Random Acts of Kindness. The local campaign started early on Wednesday when the group collaborated with Red Hills Powersports to send “R.A.K. Riders” out into the city to give free goodies, like gift cards and lottery tickets, to random people.”
“The FSU students decided to crowdsource funding to buy warm clothes, snacks and water for local people living on the street. ‘I thought it was a great idea, so I started sending it to my friends,’ Luellen said. Within hours on the chilly November night, they managed to raise nearly $1,000. While they shopped, that “ripple effect” was in full force. A stranger who was shopping at the same store overheard what they were doing and donated $100 cash.”
View the whole story here: https://www.wctv.tv/content/news/People–564901182.html